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HR Insights: Avoid 10 Common ADA Mistakes

HR Insights: Avoid 10 Common ADA Mistakes

2008年的《美高美集团4688》扩大了《美高美集团4688》(ADA)之前对残疾的定义,有效地扩大了符合残疾人资格的人群. 这些修正案给雇主施加了更大的压力,要求他们提供合理的便利,并给那些没有认真遵守法律的公司带来了更多的潜在责任. 这篇文章为雇主提供了有用的指导,以及避免常见的错误.

What Employers Can Do


Keep Job Descriptions Detailed and Accurate

重要的是,职位描述要保持最新,并包括工作的基本功能. 请记住,雇主通常有责任合理地容纳不能履行基本职能的员工. However, 雇主不必为了提供合理的便利而取消工作职位的基本功能. Essential functions in a job description can be one factor in legally proving that the task is indeed essential to the job; these functions can include physical requirements like lifting or standing and stamina requirements like working long hours or weeks.

Develop an Accommodation Policy

制定和分发合理的住宿政策可以证明你遵守ADA的承诺. The policy should direct all reasonable accommodation requests to HR 

rather than to supervisors, 因为人力资源专业人士更有能力处理这些请求的细微差别和法律风险.

Train Supervisors

Even though you direct employees to HR, 主管仍然需要知道如何处理这种情况,如果要求他们提供合理的便利. They should not respond either yes or no to the request, regardless of how feasible it may or may not be, but should instead refer the situation to HR. In addition, 主管必须接受培训,以处理在工作面试或与员工日常工作中可能出现的潜在《美高美集团4688》情况. 

Common Mistakes


1.  如果找不到合理的安排来帮助员工履行基本的工作职能,结束与员工的对话. In this situation, employers should consider other accommodations such as working part time, reassigning the employee or providing an unpaid leave of absence.

2.  Taking a manager’s word that a function is, in fact, essential. This will be contested if the issue goes to court, 因此,雇主应该自行调查,以确定有问题的职能是否必要. 

3.  Using the “undue hardship” provision too liberally. For instance, 诸如费用或其他雇员的反应等原因,一般不会被法院视为妨碍提供合理便利的不当困难.

4.  Discussing details of a disability with the employee’s manager. 经理一般只应该知道所提供住宿的性质. 一个例外是,如果残疾影响了经理与员工的互动方式, such as a hearing impairment.

5.  Failing to consider other laws applicable to an employee’s disability. For instance, 《美高美集团4688》规定的残疾通常也符合《梅高美集团4858》规定的严重健康状况。, so FMLA laws and provisions might come into play.

6.  拒绝员工的要求,因为它看起来不合理或不切实际. 雇主仍然应该与员工进行对话,看看是否可以达成解决方案. Even if you still determine that the request is not feasible, 遵循整个过程做出决定(并将其完整地记录下来)是很重要的。.

7.  取消基本功能,作为一种住宿,即使是在有限的时间内. Though sometimes this is a feasible solution, 这也使得以后很难证明该功能对这个或任何员工都是必不可少的. In addition, 其他员工可能会认为,这项功能对他们来说也不应该是必不可少的, or claim discrimination. To do this safely, 强调暂停或放松基本职能是暂时的,并记录这一行动的具体原因,以避免其他员工提出歧视索赔.

8.  Failing to properly document a denied accommodation request. 记录所遵循的过程和拒绝的原因将有助于你在诉讼中辩护.

9.  在决定住宿是否合理时,会考虑工作表现. 在这个过程中,所有的员工都应该受到同样的对待,无论是表现出色的还是表现不佳的.

10.  仅仅因为员工没有提供任何具体的意见,就不考虑合理的安排. If an employee tells HR that he or she needs an accommodation, it is the employer’s responsibility to investigate potential accommodations.

Now more than ever, 雇主有责任在可能的情况下提供合理的便利,并在工作场所处理与残疾有关的问题时表现出谨慎. 重要的是,你要熟悉《美高美集团4688》和《美高美集团4688》的细微差别,以使你的公司遵守《美高美集团4688》,避免昂贵的诉讼和处罚.

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